Monday, April 25, 2011

April 21 DASER videos

The following are videos of the presentations from the April 21 DASER held in Washington DC:

Neural Control of Human Movement
Movement of the human body is incredibly complex—over 600 muscles control the motions of limbs, trunk, head, and eyes. Yet, in health, the nervous system accomplishes this with incredible precision and speed, and in a remarkably effortless manner. Bastian will discuss research in her laboratory addressing some of the challenges that the human nervous faces in movement control, how it overcomes them, and the effects of specific types of brain damage.

Amy Bastian is the Director of the Motion Analysis Laboratory at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. She is also an Associate Professor of Neurology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. After completing her undergraduate degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Oklahoma, Bastian completed a Ph.D. in Movement Science at Washington University in 1995, and a postdoctoral fellowship in Neuroscience at Washington University under Dr. W.T. Thach. Most recently, she was an Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy and the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. She came to the Kennedy Krieger Institute in the summer of 2001.

Art, Science and Innovation at the Smithsonian American Art Museum

The Smithsonian American Art Museum offers a unique context for exploring the intersection of visual art, science, and technical invention. The Museum's historic building, once home to the US Patent Office, has been dedicated to American innovation and artistic talent for more than 150 years. Today, the American Art Museum is continuing the tradition of cross-disciplinary conversation with a wide range of exhibitions and programs. Marsh will discuss several of these projects, including the current exhibition Alexis Rockman: A Fable for Tomorrow and the forthcoming, The Great American Hall of Wonders.

Joanna Marsh has been The James Dicke Curator of Contemporary Art at the Smithsonian American Art Museum since April 2007. She is responsible for research, exhibitions and acquisitions related to the museum's growing contemporary collection. Her research interests range from American art of the post-war period to recent developments in painting, sculpture and photography, with particular emphasis on emerging artists. Currently, she is working on a reinstallation of the permanent collection. She has organized several exhibitions for the museum including Alexis Rockman: A Fable for Tomorrow (2010), Jean Shin: Common Threads (2009) and Local Color: Washington Painting at Midcentury (2008). During her tenure, the museum has acquired works by such artists as Walton Ford, Robert Longo, Kerry James Marshall, and Tim Rollins and K.O.S.

From Walls to Walkways: DIWOD & Open
Src Everything, Syncretic Methods for Exploring Consciousness
Festivals, research centers, and institutes are emerging that integrate art, science, and engineering in ways that activate local communities to creatively engage in cross-disciplinary dialogues and hands-on learning projects in hopes of influencing their culture and improving their social and physical environments. Medialab-Prado, Dorkbot and Hacker Spaces, SCIIART at UCLA, SymbioticA at the University of Western Australia, are a few that bring together a range of fields to form syncretic dialogues through research and creative practice. The FUNcolab is a transdisciplinary initiative at Gallaudet University with the goal of bringing together art, science, and theater into a unified space that fosters philosophical exchange, creative investigation, and hands on collaboration.
Max Kazemzadeh is an emergent media artist and tenure-track Assistant Professor of Art & Media Technology at Gallaudet University who investigates the relationships between art, technology, and consciousness in his research, creative experiments, and interactive installations. He recently founded an interdisciplinary art, science, performance research center at Gallaudet University called the FUNCOLAB. He is pursuing a Ph.D. within the Planetary Collegium at the University of Plymouth, UK where he is investigating Apophenia and Pareidolia as counterpoints in modeling creativity and deriving meaning from patterns of unintentional gesture.

Contemporary Art Informed by Science:
The Smithsonian's Artist Research Fellowship

How can museums capitalize on interdisciplinary work? The Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship (SARF) is a path-breaking program that encourages cross disciplinary interaction at a creative and empirical level that involves logic and play, observation and analysis, and time to examine and discuss data and discoveries. The SARF program builds on a history of discovery through the cross fertilization of the arts and sciences. Milosch will talk about past and recent SARF recipients and some of the exchange these projects have engendered.

Jane Milosch is the Director of the Smithsonian's Provenance Research Initiative in the Office of the Under Secretary for History, Art, and Culture (OUSHAC), Smithsonian Institution. From 2008 to 2009, she was Senior Program Officer for Art in OUSHAC, directing pan-institutional art programs, new interdisciplinary initiatives, and strategic planning efforts for the arts at the Smithsonian's eight art units. From 2004 to 2008, she served as the chief curator at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, where she led fundraising efforts, secured more than 200 acquisitions and developed critically-acclaimed exhibitions. She began her museum career in 1990 at the Detroit Institute of the Arts in the Department of 20th-Century Art, Decorative Arts, and Design.

The thoughts and opinions expressed in the DASER events are those of the panelists and speakers and do not necessarily reflect the positions neither of the National Academy of Sciences nor of Leonardo.
For more information on upcoming DASER events please visit To learn more about the work of the National Academy of Sciences visit


  1. It's so great to be able to see these talks online. I was disappointed to have missed the 4/21 event, and now feel as though I was there!
